Chakra Uttejan

‘Chakra Uttejan’ is one of the many programs conducted By ‘The Soul House’. It is a 3 Hrs program/ workshop conducted in auditoriums. During this program the participants are made aware of the existence of the energy vortex in the human body known as Chakras. The program gives the participant an insight of how thoughts and some of our habits create turmoil in our energy system and distort our Chakras which later results in Physical & Mental discomfort and un-healthiness.

During the program Master, reviles the knowledge of the Chakras and makes the participant go through certain process and some physical exercise helping the participants achieve clarity in thoughts through the activation, alignment and balancing of the energy centres.

Chakra Uttejan is a method of achieving clarity through the activation, alignment and balancing of our energy centers. This is a must to learn TODAY, knowledge for the COMMON MAN !!!

This process will set you on a path to spiritual health and well-being. After doing chakra work people have a new found desire to stop putting bad things into their minds & bodies and soon after they become more spiritually aware and attuned.

Chakra Uttejan is very necessary for anyone who desires to do spiritual work and divination. All of the major spiritual traditions use techniques of fasting, prayer, meditation, sound, and movement to enhance spiritual connectedness. Chakra Uttejan is the way that you undergo this spiritual process individually and intentionally without the restraints of any organized religion or religious doctrine.

A lot of participants have found an immediate relief in their common day today issues like head ace, joint pains, frozen shoulders, acidity, stress, frustration, depression, anger, work related problems, relationship issues and so on.

Chakra Uttejan provides a spiritual insight of who we are and what our role is, as a member of the family/ society/ state/ country ......

A person registering for the program can buy the Chakra Uttejan kit which consists of the Chakra Uttejan Book and a Set of CD's. This book is the detailed extract of the program and the CD’s, of the exercise they learn at the workshop and things they need to practice at home.

Chakra Uttejan Kit

Chakra Uttejan book

Deep within the heart of every human is the desire to learn, experience and communicate with his own body, but is not aware of the process and where to start from. The knowledge of Chakra is inevitably the basic knowledge one should start from, without which, reaching on spiritual realms is not possible. The divine knowledge of the Chakras is not the exclusive property of great saints, sages, or holy men. Everyone is worthy to receive this precious and pious knowledge.

In this book, Master TD reveals the sacred and the divine, invaluable knowledge in the most simplified words for the understanding of a common man. This profound, practical, transformational, multicoloured book is a must to possess as, apart from the Chakra knowledge the book reveals certain ancient techniques which are difficult to find or learn elsewhere.

This book, along with the Chakra Uttejan CD set will allow you to enrich yourself from within.

Chakra Uttejan DVD

This is an audio/video track of the exercise you learn at the Chakra Uttejan workshop. You can find the minute details of the exercise, as the Master teaches you each exercise in detail, in this DVD. You can freely share this DVD with your loved ones and make them do the Chakra Uttejan exercises, they would be benefited some or the other way.

Aura and Chakra Cleansing

This audio not only allows you to relax and feel better, but will also lead you through a guided journey to cleanse your Chakra and Auric energy.
Simply listen to this recording that will guide you through a process of cleansing, stabilising and re-energising your Aura & Chakra energy. All you have to do is lay back and listen! Listening to the guided voice & music you experience deep relaxation which can be very soothing and beneficial to your Aura & Chakras but it is even more powerful and useful when you use your mind and your intention to direct the healing, restorative powers of your own energy system. It’s binaural effect would make you feel as if your body is swaying keeping the Chakra you focus as the center.
This audio track is of 13 minutes and once you are comfortably lying, just plug in .Take care nothing disturbs you. You need to listen to the track daily for seven days initially, later listening to this once a week is enough to keep your Aura & Chakra Conditioned.

This audio should be used while lying down comfortably on ground with or without a cushion. Please take care not to use this audio while driving or when involved in any type of physical work. Neither this audio should be used while you are standing to avoid losing body control and getting hurt from falling down. So just plug in and get an ‘AURA & CHAKRA CLEANSING’
Note – This track consist of certain messages which our normal ears cannot listen to but our sub-conscious can. At the same time listening to this track would not be so effective before Beeja Ropan i.e. Seeding which is done in the Chakra Uttejan workshop. There is no harm in listening but no benefits too.

Chakra Balancing

This audio not only allows you to relax and feel better, but will also lead you through a guided journey to balance your body's Chakra energy.
This enjoyable, balancing meditation is like having a tune up for the body & Chakras. By balancing the Chakras on a regular basis, you maintain your body clean and pure, for optimal health and vitality.
Balancing the Chakras gets rid of negative energy blocks that cause disease in the body and in the mind. This audio track is designed to fit into your busy life. In fact, the busier your life becomes, the more you need to stay on the track with a regular mind-body tune up.
The benefits you gain by doing Chakra Balancing regularly is, you release anger, guilt, fear, sadness, loneliness, hatredness and many such negative qualities which are the root cause of physical and mental diseases. You feel being secure, safe and protected. You experience more pleasure at home and at work. Your recreation ability increases. You reduce the desire for unhealthy habits. You start receiving inner guidance & intuitions.

This audio track is of 20 minutes and once you are comfortably sitting or laying, just plug in .Take care nothing disturbs you. You need to listen to the track daily for twenty one days initially, later listening to this once a week is enough to keep you in fine tune. The key is to keep the internal motors running smoothly, in alignment, so that your external world reflects the inner peace and harmony.
Note – This track consist of certain messages which our normal ears cannot listen to but our sub-conscious can. At the same time listening to this track would not be so effective before Beeja Ropan i.e. Seeding which is done in the Chakra Uttejan workshop. There is no harm in listening but no benefits too.

White Light Meditation

Modern life has become more challenging, more demanding and faster paced. In earlier times, when life moved at a slower pace, meditation happened naturally and easily in the many quiet moments our lives contained. These days, however, the demands placed upon us by ourselves and our modern lifestyles just don't seem to allow much time for us to meditate and get in touch with the inner-self. Each one of us is aware of the benefits we can get from meditation, but the fact remains that we are not fully aware of the techniques of meditation. Meditation happens with a thoughtless mind. But to completely evacuate our mind of any thoughts seems impossible & hence to achieve the benefits of meditation has always been a long lasting dream but here you have a solution and that is by doing this guided White Light Meditation.

White Light meditation has been in practice from centuries and is considered as the stepping stone towards spirituality & self realization. It is said to be the best way to protect yourself during any & every type of spiritual, occult and/or psychic endeavor. It can also be used as a self healing tool. Many hospitals in the west are using a similar technique for cancer patients. If practiced daily this meditation, over a long period raises your spiritual vibratory rate, enabling you to achieve a higher state of spiritual awareness, helping you to evolve spiritually and to develop any psychic and spiritual abilities you might have. Raising your spiritual vibrations automatically protects you from lower level & negative energies.

White light meditation has proved to be very easy to work with and experience the power of meditation in your daily life. It can be easily developed into a daily meditation practice allowing you to become aware of your true nature as a spirit. White Light is healing, purifying and of course enlightening. When you learn to meditate using this technique you will experience many benefits of meditation as well as achieving forgiveness and connecting to all in a sense of oneness by bringing them into the light.

You may witness miracles, of drawing luck, happiness, peace, prosperity, spirituality, healthy relationships, finding soul mate and lot more by practicing white light meditation daily. It is ultimate and a very effective tool to heal relationships.

This audio consists of guided white light meditation and as you settle down to experience this wonderful journey, make sure you wash your hands & feet first. Sit comfortably on a cushion or a chair, you may cross your legs. You may even lay down. You may feel the need to use your visualization initially but as you practice daily, you would find that things start happening on their own. Doing this meditation only takes few minutes. We recommend doing this meditation twice daily for the first 21 days. After the first 21 days, you might only need to do this mediation technique once a day or once every other day, whatever feels appropriate to you. Get ready to experience the inner you and find a blissful transformation with ‘WHITE LIGHT MEDITATION’







Upcoming Event
Chakra Uttejan - Ahmedabad
Adi, ThakorBhai Desai Auditorium,Law Garden

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MANAV ANTAR GYAN NIVARAN AND EDUCATION TRUST is a registered organisation with the registrar of Private & Public Trust for India. It is also registered with the Income Tax Department of India under Section 80-G. MAGNET has been organising Free Healing Camps for people suffering from various physical and mental disease. The subjects are healed with the help of the Cosmic Energy. MAGNET has helped thousands of people to recover from chronic conditions and live a stable and a healthy life. To know more about this Trust or to make arrangements for Healing Camps please get in touch with us on the contact us page of this web-site.