Magnet - Truly Spiritual

Magnet workshop helps you balance, heal, discover & awaken to the real you. It helps you learn to clear & heal your body, mind & soul of blockages, conditioning it & bring peace, health, wellness & everything to do with happiness, in abundance into your life. During the workshop Master TD connects every participant individually to thy Universe through a divine cord, during this process participants have reported that they go through a divine energy experience which they have experienced never before. Magnet will connect you to the mystery of your existence & guide you to fulfil your true potential, & live a balanced & inspired life.

This Divine Energy Activation simply restores you to what you knew as a small child.

This single-day workshop has touched and changed many peoples lives. It offers so much in such a short amount of time making it a must to attend spiritual workshops. It often say to people, come with whatever it is that is challenging you in your life today and see what happens in just a single day. It’s truly mind blowing.

This workshop brings the understandings of who you are and why are things happening to you either good or bad. It teaches you how to have a practical or rather a spiritual solution to bring in love, peace, harmony, health, wealth and happiness forever in your Life. This is more in-depth training and also offers practical tools and techniques towards working with people and your journey which we call Life.

Participants say that they have experienced Life transforming miracle within a short period, as short as a few hours.

Magnet Workshop Kit

Magnet Manual & CD Set

AAA Meditation

AAA mediation has been practiced by highly spiritual masters and zen monks from centuries together. It is unique techniques of letting you physical voice create vibrations in your Chakras, Auras and the entire energy body. The subtle body responds to this vibrations and reaches the natural frequency rate, as you keep on practicing this technique, helping the central meridian or the Sushumna nadi to clear congestion and let the prana or the life force to raise up and circulate efficiently in the subtle and the energy body.AAA meditation is not actually meditation but in-fact an exercise for the energy body to twin, unwind and get back to it’s natural form. Daily practice would open the knot at the Muladhar and facilitate the upward travel of the Kundalini.

You need to be patient as you practice AAA Meditation as this is aggressive and exhausting form. It is a guided track and along with the Master’s voice you practice, letting your voice be in sink. This audio is of twenty minutes and should be used, only while sitting with an erect spine pose. Please take care not to use this audio while driving or when involved in any type of physical work. Neither this audio should be used while you are standing to avoid losing body control and getting hurt, from falling down. Prepare yourself by washing your hands, feet and face first be relaxed, sit with your legs crossed on the ground without a cushion (You can use a thin matt). Only if you are not comfortable sitting down with your legs crossed, you can use a chair. But your spine needs to be erect.

NOTE - This track consist of certain messages which our normal ears cannot listen to but our sub-conscious can. At the same time listening to this track would not be so effective before Beeja Ropan i.e. Seeding which is done in the Magnet workshop.
Caution – Please do not listen to this music if you have not attended Magnet Workshop, this music is not meant to be listen for everybody. Do not lock yourself in a room while practicing, you can close the doors of your room but not locked. You should inform someone who is around you at your home, that you are practicing and come up to you if you do not come out of the room within 30 minutes. Your body may experience vigorous swaying during the practice so check out with your doctor if you are fit for this practice. Also please sit away from walls and clear at least ten square feet of space (5 X 5 ft) around you to avoid injury if you sway.

Divine Whispers

Within each of us is a fraction of Thy Divine it is this, divine inner light is directly connected to the Thy Universal source energy and can directly guide us in any and all situations. In this extraordinary audio track, guides you to go deeply within to meet your spirit guide and to directly ask and receive guidance on any issue you choose. This audio is a blend of soothing voice and binaural music which communicated with you directly. This helps you in learning how to listen to the still soft voice within ‘The divine intuitive voice’. This helps in developing sensitive communication with your Spirit Guide. Your Spirit Guide has a direct access to your Soul Plan and can help you take decisions at go: no-go split ends in your Life. This guided track can help you maintaining the natural form of your existence and guide you towards the purpose of your creation.
As the label of the cd goes Divine Whispers, apart from the master’s voice, with practice in a few days you would start hearing the mummer of your heart and later the soft chant of your soul. As you listen to the track just let it open your heart so you can hear that divine voice and receive divine messages, healing, wisdom, and inspiration from within yourself.


This audio is of twenty minutes and should be used while sitting or laying comfortably keeping your palms facing upwards the sky which is an indication of releasing and receiving. Please take care not to use this audio while driving or when involved in any type of physical work. Neither this audio should be used while you are standing to avoid losing body control and getting hurt, from falling down. Just make yourself comfortable and connect yourself to you Spirit Guide listen to Thy Divine Whispers and experience the change in your life.

Note – This track consist of certain messages which our normal ears cannot listen to but our sub-conscious can. At the same time listening to this track would not be so effective before Beeja Ropan i.e. Seeding which is done in the Magnet workshop. There is no harm in listening but no benefits too.

Look I am Confident

Look I am Confident is a powerful self esteem & self confidence building audio, which helps you realize your inner potential & release all the negative impressions you have about yourself. This audio uses hitro hypnosis mechanism combined with binaural beats which takes you into a trance-like state, where your body is completely relaxed, and your mind entirely focused. During this time, with your conscious and subconscious mind communicating at optimum levels, successively, you will learn to identify and develop your inner strength, raise your self-esteem, enhance your self-confidence, and experience comfort and safety.
You will internalize positive images of yourself through positive visualization. You will learn how to put a stop to obsessing over negative thoughts. You will practice creating a sense of confidence and self-determination. And, you will understand on a deeper level than ever before your own unique purpose and value.

With this empowerment, you can become that person you've dreamed of being, self-confident and self-assured, with the strength to shine in every situation. You would experience a deep inner sense of comfort and peace, handle confrontations and criticism more positively, build confidence and strength from the inside, feel more comfortable in social situations, feel closer and more connected to friends and acquaintances, express yourself with greater confidence and poise, let go of your need for approval from others, be more naturally assertive.

This audio should be used while sitting or laying down comfortably. Please take care not to use this audio while driving or when involved in any type of physical work. Neither this audio should be used while you are standing to avoid losing body control and getting hurt from falling down. So just plug in and say ‘LOOK I AM CONFIDENT’
Note – This track consist of certain messages which our normal ears cannot listen to but our sub-conscious can. At the same time listening to this track would not be so effective before Beeja Ropan i.e. Seeding which is done in the Magnet workshop. There is no harm in listening but no benefits too.

The Rejuvenator

This audio is a blend of monaural and binaural beats which drifting the mind into natural relaxation decreasing mind & body stress. This is a great way to help with stress management. Further the audio takes the mind at an alpha state but at the same time creates turmoil in the current energy grid of the body so that the body, all the major & minor organ of the body, every cell, start releasing their blockages and has an opportunity to unwind themselves to their natural state of being. It helps in releasing the cellular memories which would stop reformations of negative energy patterns.

This process helps in slowing your heart rate, lowering blood pressure, slowing your breathing rate, increasing blood flow to major organs & muscles, reducing muscle tension and chronic pain. As you keep listening to this audio for a couple of days, you may start feeling tingling sensation along your spine which is a strong indication of arousal of the kundalini, leading to mind, body & soul alignment.

This audio can help you cope with everyday stress and with stress related to various health problems, such as acidity, migraine, cancer, diabetes, hypertension and pain. This audio is of twenty minutes and should be used while sitting or laying comfortably keeping your palms facing upwards the sky which is an indication of releasing and receiving. On completion ask ‘Thy Universe’ for Love Peace and Harmony in your Life. Please take care not to use this audio while driving or when involved in any type of physical work. Neither this audio should be used while you are standing to avoid losing body control and getting hurt, from falling down. Just make yourself comfortable and get started on de-stressing your life and improving your health. REJUVENATE and experience – more energy, better sleep, enhanced immunity, increased concentration, better problem-solving abilities, greater efficiency, smoother emotions — less anger, crying, anxiety, frustration, headaches and pain.
Note – This track consist of certain messages which our normal ears cannot listen to but our sub-conscious can. At the same time listening to this track would not be so effective before Beeja Ropan i.e. Seeding which is done in the Magnet workshop. There is no harm in listening but no benefits too.







Upcoming Event
Chakra Uttejan - Ahmedabad
Adi, ThakorBhai Desai Auditorium,Law Garden

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MANAV ANTAR GYAN NIVARAN AND EDUCATION TRUST is a registered organisation with the registrar of Private & Public Trust for India. It is also registered with the Income Tax Department of India under Section 80-G. MAGNET has been organising Free Healing Camps for people suffering from various physical and mental disease. The subjects are healed with the help of the Cosmic Energy. MAGNET has helped thousands of people to recover from chronic conditions and live a stable and a healthy life. To know more about this Trust or to make arrangements for Healing Camps please get in touch with us on the contact us page of this web-site.